Busytinsnips Blog

Get a word in edgeways number 2

Despite Despair

Get a word in edgeways number 2 (see 24/08/18, number 14 on blog)

It is now almost 11 years since I started writing bits of poetry, jingles, nonsense and enigmatic sentences on Twitter. Since then, I have never missed a day and have now, to date, written 31,522 words! Tomorrow I shall put this 2-line poem up on Twitter with a sketch. Sometimes, they have a physical presence in the real world too.

Despite despair
A kabuki wren in clover!

Words -
Diction, ekphrasis, epistrophe, haiku, meter, interjection, lyric, metaphor, monostich, neologism, onomatopoeia, phrase, present perfect, pun, rhythm, simile, stanza, vernacular, all beautiful in meaning and in sound. All intoxicating and all so fecund.

busytinsnips twitter

Self-doubt is back in its cage!
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